Thursday, December 26, 2019

The History of Fluorescent Lights

How were fluorescent lights and lamps developed?  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹When most people think of lighting and lamps, they think of the incandescent light bulb developed by Thomas Edison and other inventors. Incandescent light bulbs work by using electricity and a filament. Heated by electricity, the filament inside the light bulb exhibits resistance that results in high temperatures that cause  the filament to glow and emit light. Arc or vapor lamps work differently (fluorescents fall under this category), the light is not created from heat, the light is created from the chemical reactions that occur when electricity is applied to different gases enclosed in a glass vacuum chamber. The Development of Fluorescent Lights In 1857, the French physicist Alexandre E. Becquerel who had investigated the phenomena of fluorescence and phosphorescence  theorized about the building of fluorescent tubes similar to those made today. Alexandre Becquerel experimented with coating electric discharge tubes with luminescent materials, a process that was further developed in later fluorescent lamps. American Peter Cooper Hewitt (1861-1921) patented (U.S. patent 889,692) the first mercury vapor lamp in 1901. The low-pressure mercury arc lamp of Peter Cooper Hewitt is the very first prototype of todays modern fluorescent lights. A fluorescent light is a type of electric lamp that excites mercury vapor to create luminescence.The Smithsonian Institute says that Hewitt built on the work of German physicist Julius Plucker and glassblower Heinrich Geissler. Those two men passed an electric current through a glass tube containing tiny amounts of gas and made light.  Hewitt worked with mercury-filled tubes in the late  1890s  and found that they gave off abundant but unappealing bluish-green light. Hewitt didnt think people would want lamps with blue-green  light in their homes, so he looked for other applications for it in photographic studios and industrial uses.  George Westinghouse and Peter Cooper Hewitt formed the Westinghouse-controlled Cooper Hewitt Electric Company to produce the first commercial mercury lamps. Marty Goodman in his History of Electric Lighting cites Hewitt as inventing the first enclosed arc-type lamp using metal vapor in 1901. It was a low-pressure mercury arc lamp. In 1934, Edmund Germer created a high-pressure arc lamp that could handle a lot more power in a smaller space. Hewitts low-pressure mercury arc lamp put off a large amount of ultraviolet light. Germer and others coated the inside of the light bulb with a fluorescent chemical that absorbed UV light and re-radiated that energy as visible light. In this way, it became an efficient light source. Edmund Germer,Friedrich Meyer, Hans Spanner, Edmund Germer: Fluorescent Lamp Patent U.S. 2,182,732 Edmund Germer (1901-1987) invented a high-pressure vapor lamp, his development of the improved fluorescent lamp and the high-pressure mercury-vapor lamp allowed for more economical lighting with less heat. Edmund Germer was born in Berlin, Germany, and educated at the University of Berlin, earning a doctorate in lighting technology. Together with Friedrich Meyer and Hans Spanner, Edmund Germer patented an experimental fluorescent lamp in 1927. Edmund Germer is credited by some historians as being the inventor of the first true fluorescent lamp. However, it can be argued that fluorescent lamps have a long history of development before Germer. George Inman and Richard Thayer: The First Commercial Fluorescent Lamp George Inman led a group of General Electric scientists researching an improved and practical fluorescent lamp. Under pressure from many competing companies, the team designed the first practical and viable fluorescent lamp (U.S. Patent No. 2,259,040) that was first sold in 1938. It should be noted that General Electric bought the patent rights to Edmund Germers earlier patent. According to The GE Fluorescent Lamp Pioneers, On Oct 14, 1941, U.S. Patent No. 2,259,040 was issued to George E. Inman; the filing date was Apr 22, 1936. It has generally been regarded as the foundation patent. However, some companies were working on the lamp at the same time as GE, and some individuals had already filed for patents. GE strengthened its position when it purchased a German patent that preceded Inmans. GE paid $180,000 for U.S. Patent No 2,182,732 that had been issued to Friedrich Meyer, Hans J. Spanner, and Edmund Germer. While one might argue the real inventor of the fluorescent lamp, it is clear that GE was the first to introduce it. Other Inventors Several other inventors patented versions of the fluorescent lamp, including Thomas Edison. He filed a patent (U.S. Patent 865,367) on May 9, 1896, for a fluorescent lamp that was never sold. However, he did not use mercury vapor to excite the phosphor. His lamp used x-rays.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Report On The Cyber Security - 1320 Words

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY According to Gartner Inc., the market for cloud-security services is expected to reach nearly $4 billion in revenue in 2016, up from $2.1 billion last year. As more businesses move to the cloud, it’s essential that we understand best practices of cloud security and provide transparency when it comes to the solutions. The Cyber security in cloud computing is aimed at reducing the security threats in cloud environment. The project involves building a knowledge base to establish comprehensive research plans for automotive cybersecurity and develop enabling tools for applied research in this area. It is aimed to research the feasibility of developing minimum performance requirements for automotive cybersecurity. PROJECT†¦show more content†¦OBJECTIVES †¢ Develop a clear understanding how transactions are performed in the current financial system at a high-level. This should also include an understanding of the various business rules that are in use among the various constituencies and what data is required to complete each transaction. Leverage the information that is already available where possible. †¢ Create an inventory of interfaces to the financial system. †¢ Complete the startup activities on-time, on-budget, and with complete scope. †¢ Maintain a highly functioning and happy team. SUCCESS CRITERIA †¢ A documented inventory of current transactional business processes (including business rules that are applied in the different constituencies) is deemed complete. †¢ An inventory of interfaces has been created and is deemed complete by each college/unit. The inventory will also include named technical and functional point people currently responsible for the maintenance of the interfaces. †¢ Startup phase delivers complete scope without exceeding budget or schedule commitments. †¢ Lessons learned will be conducted upon completion of the phase and will include questions pertaining to their experiences on the project team. REQUIREMENTS FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS †¢ Comprehend and manage the politics of the project. †¢ Pursue targeted, strategic project selection. †¢ Pay close attention to good customer relations at all levels. †¢ Develop project management

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Marketing Management Essay Example For Students

Marketing Management Essay Marketing ideas have made singularly little penetration intothe centres of influence of the construction industry. To some extent thisfollows from the character of the industry as an agglomeration of serviceorganisations, not without structural relationship to one another, but serving aclientele from which individuals seek service very infrequently. (Jepson Nicholson, 1972: p.1) Although times have and are changing the abovestatement despite being written over twenty five years ago is still to someextent very true. The subject of this assignment is a construction firm that hasrecently designed and implemented a marketing management strategy. The objectiveof this assignment is fourfold, firstly the companys approach to marketingmanagement will be documented this will then be related to marketing managementtheory Then by analysing data collected through research the effectiveness ofthe strategy will be discussed. Finally using marketing management theory as afoundation recommendations will be made to identify where the initial strategycould be improved in order to promote future business development and success,in line with the strategic mission of the company. The organisation in questionhas strong foundations, since its incorporation in the mid fifties turnoverhas grown in line with inflation. In 1984 the Company was purchased by the sonof the original managing director, he took up the role of new managing director. By the beginning of the 1990s it became apparent that the company had reacheda stage where it was no longer a small hands-on enterprise. Thelevel of turnover and number of employees had increased at such a rate that theorganisation now employed a sizeable management team. All with an experiencedtechnical background in the fields of surveying, estimating or site managementand who had either progressed through the ranks of this firm or otherorganisations of a similar size and nature. The company was at the time of theinitial implementation of this initiative inexperienced in marketing managementand strategy. However, the senior personnel realised the company had reached astage where future business growth wasnt just going to come from hard work,doing the job well and relying on a good reputation. The view was taken that itwas necessary to pursue new ventures to bring about growth and development. TheCompany has a large contracting portfolio with contracts completed for publicand privat e clients in the commercial and industrial sectors. Appendix A showsthe diversification with the selection of recently completed projects and listthe clients for whom work has been carried out. The reason for a firm of thissize carrying out such a wide range of activities is largely based on the beliefthat in such a competitive industry as construction it has been necessary totake on whatever type of work was available in order to maintain a consistentorder book. In developing the companys marketing management strategy numerousworkshops were held, attending these were the company directors and two seniormanagers. Information on the company was gained from interviews with the personsattending these workshops. There are many reasons for running a business, thiscompany wanted to be clear on why it wanted to improve or introduce themarketing effort so that appropriate goals can be set. The aim of wanting togrow the business by increasing sales while at the same time sustaining thelevel of profit margin is the underlying factor in this case. Turnover could beincreased very easily as most of the work is procured on an invitation to tenderbasis where the deciding factor is almost always price, however, buyingin work will not necessary have a long term positive effect. The secondaryobjective was to secure profitable business relationships. These objectives arereflected in the mission statement in the appendix B. The development of themission statement was the start of the companys marketing managementinitiative. The companys overall objective in the eyes of the leaders wasdefined. It was thought the development of a mission statement would provide thefoundation needed. Perhaps the implementation of a mission statement doesnthave a direct link to the theory of marketing management however its place inthe overall field of strategy is illustrated below. A firms mission istop managements view of what the organisation seeks to do and become over thelong term. Expressed in the form of a mission statement it provides a publiclyavailable summary of the long term goals of a firms top managers.(Barney, 1997: p.10) After the preliminary stage it was decided that careful andcritical examination of the company would be needed. The questions of what do wedo well and what do we do badly ? were asked, however, analysis of what wedo? was first necessary. Previously there had been no formalcategorisation so the next step was to analyse the business in relation toits markets. It became apparent that this was impossible without analysingthe different business activities and categorising the market areas. Thecategories for such a division were decided upon as being type of client, sectorof work, type of work, type of contract and location of work. These divisionsproduced provided the workshop team initially with the sufficient tools foranalysing the business. The areas highlighted under these headings are shown inappendix C. This way of thinking doesnt have a direct link to marketingmanagement theory but can be proved to be a form of market segmentation. For theconstruction industry the application of marketing theory in order to segmentthe market is not directly appropriate, but it can be applied in the way statedto produce effective results as the common goal is the identification oftarget markets. Even though demographic, ethnic, religious and nationalclassification are not appropriate as regards construction, industry ownclassifications appear to make data collection and analysis possible. Market segmentation is the analysis of the total demand in a market intoits constituent parts, so that different sets of consumers, with distinctiveneeds and behavioural patterns, can be identified, (Page, 1995:p.40) Itwould become apparent later that the market segmentation would be extremelyuseful when analysing markets. At this moment the initial divisions would helpthe effort of gathering information from various sources enabling criticalanalysis of the company. From the customers point of view, theinformation process is the least visible of all the marketing functions. It is,nevertheless, the basis of all marketing activity. If the product / service issaid to be the cornerstone of marketing, then it must be remembered that goodproducts / services accurately reflect the needs and wants of customers, whichcan only be ascertained by gathering information. Information provides the meansfor a company to fulfil the marketing concept, (Lancaster Reynolds,1995: p.57) Examination of the company began by using the personal experience ofthe persons attending the workshop. In this forum, lists were made of thingsthat were likely to happen in the business environment which could havebeneficial or negative effects on the companys fortunes. Subjects that wereconcentrated on were, new technology such as Information Technology and thelatest building methods, the development of communication methods and any knowndevelopments within local and general government. This type of analysis of themacro environment could be perceived as a form of STEP or PEST analysis. From itthe company compiled a list, developed from the personal experience of theworkshop members, of all the external factors affecting the organisation. Further factors relating to the proximate macro environment about markets andcompetitors were also noted. These environmental factors are in a broadercontext and are ones that the organisation has little or no control, however,they could highlight the marketing opportunities and threats of the future. Successful companies recognise that the environment is constantly spinningnew opportunities and threats and understand the importance of continuouslymonitoring and adapting to the changing environment. (Kotler, 1997 :p.147)The next stage was the development of the organisations strengths weaknessesopportunities and threats through a SWOT analysis. First came the opportunitiesand threats using the results of the analysis of the external environmentalfactors. Using a pragmatic approach all things on the horizon which could have anegative effect on the business. Including not knowing key competitors wellenough, changes in government spending. It was found the most of the threatswere also opportunities and vice versa, depending on how a firm made predictionsand reacted to changes. From the list produced the top three items that: had anextremely high probability of happening and a potentially high impact on thebusiness were identified. Following this the internal factors were considered,h ighlighting the sectors that the panel believed they were good at (internalstrengths) and areas were they were lacking in some way and where there waspotential for dangerous situations (internal weaknesses). This type of SWOTanalysis gave the firm the means by which to identify its own strengthsand weaknesses as they relate to external opportunities and threats.(McDonald, 1995: p.28) Following SWOT analysis further investigation into thebusiness was required as the SWOT had only dealt with the personal views andexperience of senior personnel. The various business classifications broughtabout following segmentation were analysed for the preceding five years. Factorsanalysed were profit, turnover, levels of enquiries and level of competition. Asmost of the work in the building industry is gained through tendering andselective tendering the competition factor would be the average number ofcompanies tendering for a particular project. All agreed profit margin analysiswas particularly im portant as profit margin was fundamental to both survival andfuture growth. Insufficient margins are unlikely to give the business thefreedom to choose the best strategic option because of the impact on break evenlevels. From the data analysis the following conclusions were drawn, themajority of the companys turnover came from work on schools and colleges andthe industrial sector from the construction of warehouses and other similarbuildings. Over recent years there had been a swing, however, towards work inthe leisure industry. Industrial and commercial work had risen while public workhad remained constant as the overall turnover increased. As far as profitabilitywas concerned it was difficult to see any particular definite trend as to themore and less profitable sector of work. As regards the other areas of analysis,design and build work had increased steadily over the last couple of years andhad proved profitable but was also considered an area where the company lackedexperience. Repair and maintenance work accounted for a small percentage ofturnover but was highly profitable. Location analysis didnt prove anyparticular use apart from the fact that contracts carried out outside the northwest region were generally for existing clients. At this stage the companydidnt have the set-up and was reluctant to venture further a field unless itwas to carry out work for valued clients. Following the analysis and informationgathering stage, the workshop team were in a situation where numerous internaland external factors affecting the companys ability to achieve profit andsales had been identified. They were asking the question How do we reach ourgoal using the results of the analysis undertaken? In order to make marketingmanagement decisions some kind of formal marketing planning would now berequired. There can be little doubt that marketing planning is essentialwhen we consider the increasingly hostile and complex environment in whichcompanies operate (McDonald, 1995 : p.21) The team focused their attentionon the options for development. Stay offering our regular clients the sameservices which would only be possible with the large clients that carryoutregular building work and profitability would need to be maximised by reducingcosts through increased efficiency. Provide a new type of service to existingclients possibilities included offering regular repair and maintenance serviceor offering the complete service from the initial design stage tothe finished product. The advantage would be that the company would be dealingwith clients where good stable relationship existed but the disadvantage was thecompanys unfamiliarity. Another option was to offer the usualservice to a wider range of clients, not necessarily meaning a different type ofclient but to increase the marketing effort as regards selling the company orperhaps by widening the geographic region. This type of strategy undertaken bythe company fits well with the theory of product / market expansion. Meaning theroute chosen to achieve company goals through the range of services it offers toits chosen market segments. The simplification of the firms competitivesituation into only the two dimensions of products and markets. Despite notactually using a framework such as Ansoffs expansion matrix the group managedto simplify their task to produce a logical path towards their objectives. Computer Software EssayCompanies which fail to recognise and take account of changes in theirenvironment have, in the past, either failed to capitalise on theiropportunities or worse still have suddenly realised that their markets havedisappeared. (Lancaster and Massingham, 1998: p.26) A successful externalanalysis needs to be directed and purposeful. There is always the danger that itwill become an endless process resulting in an excessively descriptive report. Without discipline and direction, volumes of useless descriptive material caneasily be generated. The external analysis process should not be an end initself. It should be motivated throughout by a desire to affect strategy and itshould contribute to the decision of the application of investment, by doing allof these it will be responsible for the development of a sustainable competitiveadvantage. External analysis can also contribute to the marketing managementstrategy by identifying significant trends, future events, opportunities andthreats. It has to be recognised that by identifying these areas threats to oneorganisation can become opportunities for another in being able to sustaincompetitive advantage. Attempting to lay any sort of plans for the futurewithout first gathering enough information is not only foolish, it alsodemonstrates dangerous tendencies towards complacency and arrogance. Knowingthat information must be gathered is one thing, knowing how much and what togather is quite another. (Fidfield, 1992: p.39) As the customers are thefocus of the marketing concept the first logical step when beginning marketingmanagement is to analyse the customers. The workshop teams approach tosegmentation was the right platform. However, as we saw their segmentation forthis type of industry is applied differently than that of other differentindustries that tend to be referred to in marketing theory. Nevertheless,through segmentation we can identify customer groups that respond differentlythan other customer groups. The way that the workshop team undertook the task ofdefining the segments was good as it identified the variables that candifferentiate between one project and another. Following this the subdivisionwas useful because it recognised the broad categories like to the industry wereto vague. In essence the divisions proved to be effective and can be linked tothe industry standard. The act of segmentation opens the doors for analysis ofthe industry, an indi vidual organisation, its markets and its customers. It also provides the focus for the organisations strategy for businesssuccess. The workshop teams method of segmentation links directly to theDepartment of Trade and Industrys method of segmentation when analysing thewhole of the construction industry for government statistics. For this reason itis very easy to collect data and analyse the external sectors and then link thisto the companys own business. The data has been collected from varioussources and this is stated in the appendix D. The conclusion are drawn below. The output of the construction industry for work done for the industrial sectoris relatively small. The current output for this sector is estimated to be ?3.26bn, where as the total output of the industry as a whole is in excess of ?55bn. The problem with this particular sub sector is the manufacturing sector has notgrown by very much, steel has undergone radical changes and coal has all butdisappeared. Fewer factories and warehouses are being built. For the company theonly work undertaken in the industrial sector is the construction and majoralteration to warehouses, it is a large and important part of the companysturnover. Clearly the prospects for the industrial sector are less favourablethan for those of the others. In general, there has been no change in thepattern of investment and, although there has been an increase in the value oforders in the private sector, it is not large enough to make a significantdifference to future output of the construction industry. However, the level ofoutput for work carried out in relation to warehouses is increasing year on yeardespite the shift from a manufacturing to a service economy. The deciding factoris whether or not this will continue to be the case. Commercial construct ion isa much more important sector in that it represents nearly 39.8% of the output ofthe construction industry. It is highly cyclical and very sensitive to changesin economic conditions. The sector has been favourably affected by privatisation. In the private sector the sub sections of offices shops and entertainment arethe dominant factors. While for the public sector output is concentrated in theareas of education and health. The overall trends for both are positive,however, there is a strong element of volatility in the output and the orders,for private sector work. There are still a large number of small and mediumsized firms in the industry but this number is declining. Design and build hasbeen a growth area in the construction industry in recent years. Design andBuild is where on organisation takes responsibility for both functions on behalfof a client. As the market for building contractors has become more competitiveand margins have been squeezed tighter the contractors sought other ways ofincreasing competitive advantage by offering the full service it had dualbenefits for client and contractor. Design and build projects do have anattraction nevertheless there are pitfalls to this market. To thedetriment of the tra ditional architects practice, recent times have broughtabout the augmentation of design and build contractors. It appears to be anincreasingly preferred method of tendering for private concerns in the lightindustrial and commercial sectors. More recently research suggests some buildingcontractors have paid the penalty for entering the new sector with littleexperience. The attractiveness of low competition and perceived greater marginshad blinded the judgment some what. (Ashworth, 1998: p.7) Theidentification of trends within the industry can provide vital information as tothe current and future state of the various sectors. The correct prediction offuture trends is the key to achieving the competitive edge. Trends withinthe market can affect current and future strategies and assessments of marketprobability. (Aaker, 1995: p.26) In the construction industry clear trendscan be identified. The long term trend in the industrial sector has been a moveaway from manufacturing towards a ser vice-based economy causing overall declinein the industrial sector. Decline also in coal mining and steel based industriescausing construction firms connected with these areas to switch their efforts toother activities. In the commercial sector an appreciable amount oftraditionally public sector work has been transferred to the private sectorthough the privatization of industries. Increase in demand for entertainment andleisure activities and the consequent increase in demand for the necessaryfacilities. Despite objections from various pressure groups, large commercial centersare increasing in number. There is a demand for modern offices adaptable to therequirements of information technology and computerization, together with therecognition of the fact that the working environment has a significant effect onthe performance of individuals. When analyzing the external environment usingPEST the company needs to have a list of areas to investigate for each of thefour factors; political, economic, social and technological. Political factorscould be to look at the effect of a change of government would have on spendingin the public sector. The state of play as regards the ability to obtain grantsfrom the European commission. Changes in the requirements for obtaining planningpermission. Changes in the health and safety regulations. Economic factors to belooked out for would be situation with the UKs Gross Domestic Product. Whichindustries are experiencing increased investment as this is likely to lead toincreased construction activities. Change in the demand for new buildings thatwill be suitable for changing needs of other industries for example the needs ofa high technology environment. Changes in interest and exchange rates have largeeffects on construction projects. Development grant awards for various regionsand sectors such as the national lottery. Social factors that could beidentified are as follows. Inner city regeneration and outer city developmentwould bri ng about an increased requirement for construction work. Environmentalist pressure for the extension of the Green Belt and other currentenvironmental factors. Demographic changes leading to increased need for specialhousing. Changes in social trends and consumer behavior. Technological factorsthat could potentially provide the company with competitive advantage can beidentified by looking at the following areas. Increased use of informationtechnology. Innovations in construction techniques for example the greater useof pre-fabricated elements. Further development in high technology creating aneed for suitable buildings. Using the information gathered from an appraisal ofthe external environment we need to turn the information into action. Whatsimportant is to search through the environment for specific opportunities whichappear to be open to our organization. It takes time to develop new services anddevelop new markets. If there is a hint that new market possibilities are likelyto open then we should plan our time accordingly to gain the m aximum benefit. Aswell as identifying the opportunities in tomorrows market place it is alsoimportant that we clearly identify the threats which may appear in the businessenvironment. The important thing is not just to identify the threats but to beable to do something about them.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Sony Corporation

Company Overview Sony Corporation (Sony) is one of the leading electronics manufacturing and distribution Companies in the world. The company deals with the design, development, manufacture, and sale of products such as communication products, televisions, video and audio products among other electronic components (Stà ¤dtler, 2011). Apart for this entity, it also offers insurance services through its subsidiaries in Japan. Other business operations include advertising agency and network services.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Sony Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company’s operations fall under six reportable segments. They include networked Products and Services; Music; Consumer Products and Devices; Pictures; Financial Services and others. It also operates its subsidiaries across 200 countries inEurope, North America as well as Asia. The Company’s headquarters is in Tokyo, Japan. Its major industry competitors include Dell, Creative technologies, LG, Samsung, Fujifilm Holdings, Philips, Pioneer Corporations, Hitachi, and Casio Computers (Stà ¤dtler, 2011). How Internal and External factors may affect the firm The internal factors are those whose origin and control are within the capacity of the firm. They include strengths and weaknesses. The strengths within Sony shall be material assets that will boost its performance if well administered. This firm may achieve strategic objectives through utilization of its strengths. On the other hand, external factors entail those influences that emanate from outside the firm. They come as opportunities and threats. Threats are harmful hence; they will impair on Sony’s growth objectives. Such threats may come in form of strong brands, imitation, and changing customer needs. On the other hand, opportunities are external factors that the business can utilize in achieving its objectives. Threats also fall u nder the external fundamentals that could damage performance of Sony Corporation (Jalan, 2004). Analysis of the company using this tool would be beneficial in diagnosing the external and internal environments in which Sony operates. As such, the information can steer growth and progress within the limits of its goals and aims. EFE Matrix It relates the firm’s performance ratings relative to a laid down aggregate score. The tool employs a factor approach is its analysis of the external opportunities as well as threats in which numerous factors relevant to the firm are established. Allocation of weights depends on the magnitude of their influence on the firm’s performance in order to develop their relative weights (Stà ¤dtler, 2011). The weights may take ratio or percentage form. No OPPORTUNITIES WEIGHTS RATINGS WEIGHTED 1 Maintenance of leadership in prices 0.10 3 0.3 2 Creativity and Innovation 0.25 3 0.75 3 Strong IT base in the industry 0.1 4 0.4 4 Wide N etwork and global Presence 0.1 4 0.4 5 Strategic Outsourcing and marketing 0.1 4 0.4 6 The capacity to develop Quality products 0.15 3 0.45 THREATS 1 Price wars 0.05 4 0.2 2 Product imitation 0.05 2 0.1 3 Strong and competitive brand in the industry 0.05 4 0.2 4 Changing consumer needs 0.05 3 0.15 TOTAL 1.00 3.35 The above analysis of 3.35 aggregate weight score in Sony’s EFE Matrix indicates that it is responding well in respect of its threats and opportunities in the electronics industry.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The analysis depicts the external environment in which Sony operates, and how it is doing relative to the industry participants (Jalan, 2004). It is therefore, important to note that strategic efficiency has capitalized on the opportunities presented by both environments. On the other hand, the company has done well in m onitoring and dealing with the threats that may deter its progress. The ratings used above for individual factors are calibrated on the scale of 1to 4. The total maximum score obtainable by any industry participant is four. The weights and ratings employed in the EFE Matrix demonstrate the effectiveness of a Company’s strategic framework (Jalan, 2004). Below is the interpretation of the weighted scores in order to show the outcome of the performance obtained by Sony. 4 = Excellent Response to factors; 3 = Above Average; Average Response and 1 = Poor Response. Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE Matrix) No INTERNAL STREGTHS WEIGHTS RATINGS WEIGHTED 1 Customer relationship 0.10 3 0.3 2 Production Adaptability 0.10 3 0.30 3 Leadership in Technology 0.10 4 0.40 4 Reliability of products 0.10 3 0.30 5 Leading Supply chain 0.10 4 0.40 6 Financial ratios 0.15 3 0.45 INTERNAL WEAKNESSES 1 Weak management 0.15 2 0.30 2 Little Diversification 0.10 3 0.30 3 Communication loops 0.10 3 0.30 TOTAL 1.00 3.05 The IFE Matrix is an audit tool of an organization. This strategic management tool helps the management to evaluate a company’s internal environment in relation to its threats and strengths. This tool summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of Sony Company in order to observe its performance from the internal space (Stà ¤dtler, 2011). The methodological approach used in the design of the IFE is similar to that used in EFE. The difference between the two is that IFE deals with the internal factor analysis whereas EFE examines the performance of a firm with regard to external. Sony’s weighted score of 3.05 represents an average performance and response to its internal factors influencing its operations. It shows a well strategically managed position in a bid to capitalize on the prevailing strengths while at the same time cushioning itself against its weaknesses (Jalan, 2004). Interpretation of the weightsAdvertisi ng We will write a custom case study sample on Sony Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More 4 = Excellent Response to factors; 3 = Above Average; Average Response and 1 = Poor Response. SWOT Analysis Strengths Sony has the capacity to develop a high-quality product portfolio for its customers. historical results and record show that the company is reputable in the market Advanced and technological capacities capable of handling multiplicity of product lines present Sony with a rare opportunity for success. The company engineers have the knowledge of the previous failures and are capable of making up for the lost glory. The competitiveness of the company is good compared to its market rivals The ability to expand its market share and produce a wide range of products Weaknesses Prevailing price wars in the industry are a major undoing to Sony. The company has enjoyed the confidence of being a price leader the recent past, b ut the emergency of strategic price wars poses a potential threat (Jalan, 2004). Minimal diversification in its product portfolio is a critical scenario that may hamper Sony’s strategic growth. Retarded growth of its sales depicts a great slow down in its expansion plans. The management of the company seems to have no proper strategic management plan to forge the business ahead. Lack of proper formula of communication within the functional departmental network has led to reduced productivity. Opportunities Its originality and creativity is an essential asset for its potential growth. Its reputation may pose a significant platform for its progress. Its customer led pricing strategies aimed at winning market loyalty is a huge milestone opportunity presented to it (Jalan, 2004). Its technological strength may render its expansion plans possible in order to capture other income streams. Strong and robust supply chain- marketing and advertising departments have stepped up their strategies to create new market niches for its expanding product portfolio through strategic partnerships with leading chain suppliers. Threats Competitors- The industry is rife with competitors who are equally powerful. They are market participants with strong brands, and they include Samsung, Fujifilm, and LG among others. Market surveys and researches indicate that imitation of its products is on the increase. This product proliferation poses a huge threat on the originality of products and customer loyalty developed over many years. This trend occasioned by the emergence of new and cheaper technologies from the Asian region whose proponents have interfered with the brand (Jalan, 2004). Lack of adequate and comprehensive strategy implies that most of its rivals are doing better because their product penetration is doing well. Summary of SWOT matrix (Analysis) STREGNGTHS WEAKNESSES Production capacity and adaptability Stiff competition from strong brands on the market Fi nancial ratios Price wars Leadership in technology Little diversification Price leadership Lack of strategic communication plan Excellent customer service OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Wide market Coverage and global presence Price wars Maintenance of low price leadership Changing needs of the consumer Supply Chain Presence of other strong brands (Samsung, LG) Creativity and innovation Product Imitation (Chinese Electronic industry) Emerging markets Conclusion The SWOT analysis above demonstrates how Sony has been able to nurture is ability to gain a competitive advantage in the market. Although weaknesses and threats are inevitably present, their effects have remained detrimental due to capitalization on opportunities and strengths inherent within the firm. Some of the significant factors greatly responsible for this milestone include a robust and sustainable technology, price leadership, and innovation. References Jalan, P. K. 2004). Industrial sector reforms in globalization era. New Delhi: Sarup Sons. Stà ¤dtler, R. (2011). Strategy Coursework – Sony Corporation. Norderstedt: GRIN Verlag. This case study on Sony Corporation was written and submitted by user Broderick Valentine to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

True Reasons We Love Super Bowl

True Reasons We Love Super Bowl Super Bowl is the most popular show among Americans. In a bit more than a week the whole nation will be glued to the screen to see the game. And there is a number of reasons for that! Loving NFL is a long lasting tradition, so nobody actually asks questions like Why watch Super Bowl? or Why do you like Super Bowl? or (God forbid) What is Super Bowl? However, we decided to bring these wonderful Super Bowl things together to make your week of game anticipation even more exciting. This post is also for Super Bowl haters. You still time to change your mind start loving Super Bowl (because in week its going to be too late!) Bringing Folks Together Okay, maybe there’s a fair amount of other things going on in this world that need more attention. And yes, it would be nice if we saw the same passion and fervor for civil rights and personal liberties these days. But at least this magical game, when the best of the best go head to head and the commenters are flipping out, brings people together in sports bars and living rooms across the land. Chanting, cheering, stumbling around, and pretty much going quasi-insane for a few hours. It’s good fun. And listen, Super Bowl parties run the whole gauntlet from two dudes in their boxers in their dorm room eating Cheetos from the vending machine on the first floor†¦to blockbuster block parties and after-parties that literally anger the gods. It proves that whether you want it or not football is a part of our national heritage†¦a part of the DNA, to be more precise. Special Food Chips and dips, wings and BBQ feasts, casseroles galore Super Bowl food comes in many different nuances of class and sophistication. There’s your cheap and dirty munchies finished off with piss beer and then all the more â€Å"adult† parties where they take some time to make decent grub: gourmet sandwiches, tiny sirloin burgers, high-brow quesadillas, etc. If you get invited to one of these parties start counting your blessings! The food rocks no matter what though. And, while the game’s going it doesn’t matter if it’s the most fattening food in the known galaxy. Halftime Commercials Rule Corporations pull out all the stops, it’s madness! Throughout the rest of the year most commercials are like Super Villain fingernails carving words into chalk boards. Then suddenly, this one spellbinding game comes around and almost all the commercials are either super-deep thinker-pieces, or funny as hell. According to (yep, there’s a website for everything), here are a couple big hits from 2014: NSA – Smile, We Know When You’re Not ( A commercial like this can only happen during a Super Bowl. AXE – Make Love, Not War ( It makes sense during the Super Bowl, everything does. Oh man, then you’ve got the halftime show, which, let’s be honest, is pretty hit or miss. Some years it’s dull or you’re laughing all over the place. But some years, wow, the show knocks your socks off and typically delivers some controversy to boot! In case you’re wondering, the Billboard list of the Best Half-Time shows claims these are the top 3 so far: Prince, in 2007: â€Å"But the explosive coda was Purple Rain, which had the stadium full of testosterone-pumped football fanatics waving their arms and howling in falsetto.† U2, in 2002: This was the mega-heart-wrenching tribute to 9/11 set when the wound was still very deep and fresh for the nation. Madonna, 2012: This got some pretty mixed reviews. But that’s the beauty of it, there are winners and losers in every aspect of the game, even in terms of entertainment. Rivalries Are Fun True, it’s not so cool when these rivalries get out of hand and people riot after football games. But to be honest, sports rivalries are much safer than wars, battles, revolutions, civil upheaval, geopolitical struggles, and all the other sorts of violent ways people create to release some steam. The Super Bowl let’s people who love the game really beat up a few pillows, scream at TVs, throw controllers, pull out a little hair, tear a jersey or two, and stomp around like they’ve got the last of their savings account riding on the game. Great Success Stories We follow NFL for the whole year. We know the players and all about them what coffee they drink, how their girlfriends look like and their football career, of course. We know the strengths and weaknesses of each team. And one day here they are on the field. The struggle begins. Each move counts. Each moment can be decisive. One big winning or a big failure. Fans rage. Thats the atmosphere where the legends are born. These stories are remembered and passed from generation to generation. These stories inspire. So, each Super Bowl is legendary and cant be missed for anything on earth. And that’s why we love the Super Bowl! Are there any reasons you like Super Bowl that we didnt mention! Agree or disagree with us in the comments!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why Take the ACT 9 Important Reasons

Why Take the ACT 9 Important Reasons SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Standardized testingis not most people's idea of fun- quite the opposite actually. Why take the ACT, then?There are quite a few reasons, actually, and they range from the essentially necessary to the more elective. In this guide, we'll discuss what those reasons are, from college applications to job searching, as well as why the ACT may fit you better than the SAT. #1: Most Colleges Will Require Your Scores There are, indeed, some colleges that don't require scores- schools that are test-optional or even completely test-blind. That being said, most colleges want to see how you did on the SAT and/or ACT. Colleges will accept either one- you don't need to submit both unless you want to, and no college will dictate which you should send. Not taking the test, then, severely limits your options regarding the schools you can hope to attend. #2: There Are Score-Based Scholarships for the Winning Many colleges reward students with loads of tuition money, provided they can supply the appropriate test scores. Taking the ACT (and doing well on it) could actually lead to a full ride at some schools and generous scholarships at many other. Hopefully your scholarship money won't be meted out in single-dollar bills, either. #3: Some Jobs Require Your Test Scores This may seem odd, and it's certainly a newer trend. Still, some potential bosses want to see data from the SAT or ACT before they hire you. This doesn't just apply to test prep jobs, either; it applies to jobs in consulting and the financial sector, too. According to the Wall Street Journal, it's getting more common. How much better, then, to get it taken care of now, rather than scrambling to take the test when an employerasks for scores unexpectedly? (Answer: A lot better.) #4: The ACT Has a Science Section The SAT incorporates some scientific passages into the test, but there's no all-out science section. If science is your thing, then- if you're a total science whiz- use the ACT as an opportunity to shine! #5: The ACT Is Lighteron Algebra Than the SAT The ACT makes up for its relative lack of algebraic heft by shining the light on geometry and trigonometry more so than the SAT. This, then, is largely a matter of taste and your sense of preparedness. If you're not a fan of algebra, but you do really with geometry and trigonometry, opt for the ACT. #6: The ACT Permits Calculators Throughout the Math Test The SAT has a calculator portion and a no-calculator portion of the Math test. The no-calculator questions on the SAT are generally the kind a calculator wouldn't help much on anyway, but, still, if you really rely on having those buttons to push, the ACT is your test. This also applies if you simply dislike the kinds of calculations that you can do by hand. If you like crunching unwieldy numbers better than manipulating expressions by hand, go for the ACT! Make sure you're comfortable with that calculator, though! #7: The ACT Does Not Have Any Grid-Ins Student-produced response questions, or grid-ins, are the ones where you supply your own answer, as featured on the SAT. These questions don't exist on the ACT, meaning you always have answer choices handed to you to work with. #8: The Essay on the ACT Wants Your Opinion Well, technically, it doesn't care whose opinion you give, but you do need to argue a case by evaluating and analyzing complex issues of relevance to humanity and life as a whole. The SAT's essay, on the other hand, is all about reading comprehension and literary analysis. If you're a better debater than you are a literary detective, the ACT may be your test. #9: The ACT Is Required by Some States Any high schooler going to school in certain states will be required to take some form of the ACT, either with or without writing. There's not much choice to be had if you live in one of the states in question. Conclusion: Why Take the ACT? In this article, we've seen a number of reasons to take standardized tests, including keeping college options open, winning scholarships, and even appealing to potential employers. We've also looked at some reasons that the ACT may fit students better than the SAT, like the inclusion of a science section and the relative lack of emphasis on algebra. If you're going to take the ACT for any of these reasons, make sure you spend some time preparing. Your level of comfort will be much higher if you prepare ahead of time- and, most likely, your results will be better, too. What's Next? If you've decided that standardized testing is for you but aren't quite sold on the ACT, read a more dedicated discussion on which test might be right for you. Maybe youare sold on the ACT, though.Are you wondering what kind of score is going to get you where you want to go? Take a look at our guide to what qualifies as a good score- and why it's so subjective. You can also take a moment, if you're aiming for a perfect score, to read about how to get there. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data (CASE) module 5 Essay

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data (CASE) module 5 - Essay Example For instance, employers and organizations are putting more limitation on the accessibility of their information. In the long run, these organizations are suffering time management issues. In this cases, organizations have limited the access of information to physicians and nurses likewise. This limitation requires organizations to only authorize a few entities to information databases. For the physicians and nurses, flow of information changes from prompt and detailed to delayed and censored. The article defines the cost of unintended consequences from policies and other strategies (Jarrell et al. 2012). An interdisciplinary health care delivery can be defined through the consideration of the term interdisciplinary meaning integration of multiple disciplines or fields of expertise. Within the health care sector interdisciplinary health care delivery means the delivery of services by collaboration of multiple health care professionals. Normally health care professionals use interdisciplinary health care delivery when they are faced by multi-step medical intervention. This medical intervention plan may involve diagnosis by a doctor, tests by a lab technician, prescriptions by a physician, and administration of care by nurses. In this case, the flow of information starts from the first professional to see the patient down to the one offering care. The advantages of using interdisciplinary health care delivery include professional intervention by experts on specific areas of the intervention. This ensures accuracy and best practice ensuring that all parties provide timely and relevant i ntervention input coinciding with their qualifications (Hinegardner, 2003). The law of unintended consequences is an idiomatic warming that informs administrative bodies that their strategies and policies have the potential of leading to undesired or unintended results. With application to the health care sector, the law of unintended

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Criminology - Essay Example However, more recent theories seek to front crime as caused by a multiplicity of causes, most of them inherent in the larger society. As per Croall (9), there is no one way of looking at crime in society that can fully explain why crime usually takes place. More so, Croall asserts that â€Å"there is no clear cut history of which have predominated in distinct periods although some have more resonance at particular historical moment† Sociological theories explain crime as caused by disconnect within society and/or lack of core tenets of moral living. The major sub-theories within sociological explanation of crime include strain theory, labeling theory, control theory, social theory, and critical theories. All these sociological theories tend to explain crime in the context of the social environment that essentially includes the family, work places, the school, and other areas of the community that people tend to live in and interact. The only way that these theories seem to dif fer is in the way they focus on different aspects of the social environment occupied. While some focus on individual differences in crime, others tend to look at crime as a larger end-product of group differences in society. They later try to look at distinction in criminal activities in distinct communities so as to explain the causes inherent in the neighborhood with a higher crime rate that are absent or minimal in the areas with lower crime rates. A new frontier in crime causation, however, seeks to combine a number of the above theories, thus creating integrated theories. According to Arrigo (17), this theory, in essence, shows a link between several of the sociological causes giving rise to crime causation. Sociological theorists, however, portray crime as result of the social environment within which individuals correlate with others. This is shown clearly in the sub-theories of sociological theory as evident below. Strain Theory Strain theory as sociological theory of crime causation explains crime as a product of the pressure imposed on individuals or groups in order to achieve certain goals. When people become upset, they might take part in criminal activities to offload their stress. In addition, they might take such step in order to try to free themselves from the strain they are going through. For instance, if other people constantly bully someone, he/she might take it off on a weaker target, or one might resort to theft to reduce financial pressures (Goode & Yehuda, 1994 p 97). An earlier proponent of the strain theory was Robert K. Merton who came up with a paradigm where crime causation is explained as occurring or taking place due to a blockade between institutional means of achieving cultural goals. Merton further elaborates the institutionalized means as education leading to a good job while the cultural goals are money, family, and a status in society. Robert K. Merton deviance typology Merton came up with the typology to show the various r elationships between institutionalized means and culturally accepted goals. The first group, according to Merton (1968), is that of those who accept both the institutionalized means and the culturally accepted goals. They are the conformists who struggle to attain the goals by following the means prescribed by society. The second group is that of the innovators.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Second Amendment Essay Example for Free

The Second Amendment Essay America has given many rights and has offered protection to US citizens. Like the second amendment states, â€Å"The right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. † However many riots and shootings have recently broke out in the last couple of years. So therefore the right to bear arms has been taken advantage of and as lead to many malicious events like The Columbine Shootings, Virginia Tech, Aurora Shooting, and New Town Shootings. In 1999, a failed bombing which turned into a shooting occurred at Columbine High School. This event is known as the Columbine Shootings in which two high school seniors, by the name of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, were involved. According to an article â€Å"7 Myths about the Columbine Shooting† by Trevin Wax, both convicts seemed like regular teenagers that, â€Å"attended football games, dances, and school plays†¦ [they were not] part of a street gang or known to dress in gothic style,† but they had been arrested a couple of months before for stealing. They also seemed to be part of the Trench Coat Mafia, which were a group of students dressed in black coats that were against school bullies. Since Eric and Dylan were targets of bullying, they both decided on a plan to get revenge on the people who were mean to them last year. So for that whole year, both teenagers gathered up materials to carry out their plan. They had been researching, building pipe bombs, and purchasing guns from their older friends who were unaware of what the consequences could lead to. Their plan for revenge was to blow up Columbine’s cafeteria by placing â€Å"explosives to kill about 100 people. † However that was not enough for their plan. They decided that once the explosives go off inside the school, they would be waiting outside and shoot the remaining students and teachers that would come out of the school, trying to escape. However, everything didn’t go as they expected. The bombs that they had placed inside school never went off, so therefore Eric and Dylan just decided to go in and shoot whoever they could. They had no specific range; everyone was a target to them. After killing twelve students, one teacher, and injuring 24 others, Eric and Dylan pointed their weapons towards hemselves and committed suicide. They were both found dead on the floor, fully armed, and with their explosives around them. According to Eric and Dylan’s journals, they didn’t expect to come out of there alive. They knew they would end up dead from either police bullets or by their own hand. So committing suicide or ending up dead was part of their risky plan. The Columbine Shooting in April of 1999 is one of the most violent and memorable shootings to occur in American’s high school. It is heart-breaking to see how far bullying can reach to. Because Eric and Dylan had such high temper, they felt as if they needed to get revenge on everybody who ever brought their confidence down by killing them, and illegal weapons were their first reaction. Even though teenagers aren’t allowed to purchase guns, Eric and Dylan had access to them due to irresponsible private gun sellers. Now a day, people are trying to argue that placing restrictions on the 2nd amendment is against the US Constitution and that it’s violating their rights. However risky behaviors and actions, like the Columbine Shootings have shown that restrictions over gun control are needed for safety reasons due to the fact that it has gotten out of control. Society, in the few previous years, has shown how they cannot be trusted with illegal weapons. If every single person owned a gun in the US, then this country would not be a safe place to live in. When an individual is mad, they usually react in a violent way and can make irresponsible decisions, like pull out a gun on somebody. So placing restrictions on the right to bear arms is necessary. The government should make it clear that the second amendment was written for self-defense and not to motivate society to kill each other. Another event that will forever be etched in the memory of all Americans is the day of April 16th, 2007. On April 16th, 2007 32 people lost their life’s and 17 others were left severely injured in the hands of the gunmen Seung-Hui Cho. Today this incident is known as the Virginia Tech Shootings. The Virginia Tech shooting is known as the deadliest mass murder by single gunmen. The event happened as follows: The first killings began at 7: 15 a. . in West Ambler Johnston Residence Hall, two people in the same dorm as Cho, were the victims. At 9:26, more than two hours after the first killings began did the school decide to notify the students via email that the shootings had occurred. By that time it was too late for the students and teachers having class to escape the fury of Cho. Cho chained the doors shut in the building known as Norris Hall; he also decided to leave a bomb threat if anyone decides to come in. The shootings took place on the second floor of the building. The second shooting left 30 people left and over fifteen injured. The victims were caught off guard and killed by a senseless act of evil. After the damage had been done the police break into Norris Hall, police officers not only find the bodies of the victims but they also find the body of the perpetrator. Cho had taken his own life after noticing that the officers were coming into the building. With the killer dead many questions of why the massacre took place were left unanswered. As it turns out Cho mailed a package to the NBC network between the first and the second shooting. The package contained many irrelevant towards the massacre that is except one letter. That letter basically said that he was tired of the rich kids around him; he blames them for what took place. Cho also compares himself as being like Eric and Dylan from the Columbine Shootings. Ironically like Eric and Dylan Cho also went through bullying as a teen himself. In fact Cho was considered mentally ill, but when applying to Virginia Tech he did not inform the school about his special needs. Virginia Tech is a perfect of how The Second Amendment has failed to do what it was intended to do. As stated before The Second Amendment clearly states as follows: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. † Most people will interpret The Second Amendment differently than what it truly was meant to mean. A lot of people are very protective of their right to bear arms but the truth of the matter is that the second amendment was meant to prevent the government from becoming a threat to society. The Second Amendment has allowed almost anyone to be in possession of a gun and in return has caused deadly massacres to ccur. It is obvious that Cho was mentally ill yet he was not denied the right to have a gun. The second Amendment was made to fit the time period of 1791 and it should respectively be altered to today’s day and time. It is not fair to the public to be on guard all of the time in case of another mass shooting. There should be extensive background checks in order for a person to come in contact with a gun. No mentally ill person or any criminal should be allowed to be in possession of any firearms for the safety of everyone around them. The Second Amendment should not be omitted but it definitely needs to be altered in order to prevent any extensive damage than what has already been done. Gun Control laws are desperately needed to stop these crimes from taking over. In 2012 the Aurora and Newtown Shootings, to name a few, have taken the life of innocent people. The Second Amendment has done the opposite of what it was originally meant to do, which was just for defense. How many more Newtown’s and Columbines need to happen in order to see the reality. The NRA (National Rifle Association) needs to be aware of the intensity of the situations that are taking place. Omitting the Second Amendment would be against the Constitution yet altering it for the safety of the public is not. Gun Control is a crucial thing and not unconstitutional! Another example of why The Second Amendment has failed to do what it was intended to do is the incident now known as the Aurora shooting. On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred at a movie theater during a midnight screening of the dark knight rise, in Aurora, Colorado. Killed 12 people and leaving 58 injured. The police identified him James Eagan Holmes, as the shooter. It is said that he bought a ticket and entered the theater. He sat in the front row and after 20 min into the film he exited the building through an emergency exit door and kept it slightly open with a rock. Then to return 30 min later into the film around 12:38, the police say, from his car that was parked near the exit door, he changed into protective gear wearing a gas mask. The audience didn’t at first considered him a threat because they assumed he was wearing a costume also like the others that dress up for the screening. Some also thought that he was playing a prank or he was part of a special effects installation set up for the films premiere as a publicity stunt. The gunman then threw a canister releasing a gas obscuring the audiences’ vision. He then started to fire a shot gun, semi-automatic rifle and finally a Glock 22 handgun at the audience, first at the back, then toward the people in the aisles. Around 12:45 am, police detained Holmes behind the cinema next to his car. He even told the police that his apartment was booby-trapped with explosive devices, so if anyone tried to open his door, the entire apartment would explode. James Holmes was described by those that knew him as a doctoral student, who was quiet and responsible; an image that confuses us with the man that opened fire at the movie theater. Holmes was a scholarship student who attended the University of California, Riverside, in 2006 and graduated with highest honors with a bachelor’s degree in 2010, later enrolling at University of Colorado School of medicine, as a doctoral candidate. The university police state that they have no record of having contact with him but only for a speedy summons. The biggest mystery around the 24-year-old doctoral student was why he did it, as a police allege. Holmes didn’t appear to have any social media contact. A along time neighbor told the authorities that he was to believe that he were just a â€Å"normal kid†. â€Å"You would never guess he was a violent guy,† Mitchell said describing Holmes as a â€Å"nerdish† and â€Å"a book-smart type guy. † Lynne Fenton, a psychiatrist who treated accused Colorado theater gunman James Holmes, stated that Holmes made a remark on June 11, about fantasizing about killing â€Å"a lot of people,† six weeks before the shooting. He rejected the offer to be confined for 72 hours. No one knew that he was actually mentally ill other than the psychiatrist that treated him. After the shooting the Colorado gun sales spiked, with number of background checks for those who seek to purchase a firearm, the increased also occurred in Washington, Florida, California and Georgia. The shooting reignited the political debate on gun control with one of the issues being â€Å"easy Access. † â€Å"There is a common thread that we see in these massacres,† said State Representative Rhonda Fields, a Democrat from Aurora who sponsored both pieces of legislation and whose son was shot to death in 2005. They’re using high-capacity magazines so they can unleash as many bullets as they can, to kill as many people as they can, in our schools, our theaters and our churches. † It is sad that as a country we have come to the point of self destruction. We have seen over the years the violence getting worse there need to be some kind of stop to it all, somekind of control taken by the government. The right to bear arms has now effected the new generation. About three months ago there was a shooting in Newtown Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary school . A act done in revenge to Adam Lanza mother, ended up killing twenty children and six adults. On December 14, 2012 a gun man named Adam Lanza came into sandy hook elementary and began to open fire towards the classrooms . The principle ran out once she heard gunshots once Lanza spotted them he then approached them and killed them. He then made his way into the office while an office administration was on the intercom telling the kids and faculty to take cover. He makes his way in and shoots them and all the kids hear it. He then makes his way into a first grade class where there was a sub and although she attempted to hide the children he killed all of the students besides a six year old girl. It has been told that the only way the little girl made it thru the shooting was playing died and stayed still till she heard no nose. The gunman then went into another first grade class with a teacher by the name of Victoria told the gun man that her kid where in the auditorium. Many of the kids ran out of the hiding place trying to escape the room and Lanza the shot them dead. Out of that class only six children were able to escape. Many of the teachers and faculty along with kids had a near death experience. One of the teachers saw two kids in the hallway on their way to the office and pulled those kids to safety. Along with the Liberian helping saved fourteen kids life by putting them in a lock that had a door that no one could get in without the lock. Although most of the kids and faculty was in first grades this sad day took a toll on not only the school, city but the whole nation. After this many students did not feel safe going back to school as parents were scared to send them back. The debate over whether to enhance restrictions on firearms has become a contentious focal point of state legislative sessions around the country this year. The Aurora shooting is a perfect example on how restrictions on gun control would have helped prevent anything related to that matter from ever happening. Yes although the second amendment states we have the right to bear there should be gun control laws that prevent any mentally ill person from purchasing any fire arms. If that had taken place Virginia Tech, Newtown and the Aurora Theater shooting would have been prevented.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Alcatraz: The Legendary Prison :: Descriptive Essay About A Place

Alcatraz: The Legendary Prison We stepped off the large tour boat with a look of fright in both our eyes. Some joy was there, but knowing what went on in this place made us feel the way we did. To me, Alcatraz didn't really look like a shut down prison at that moment. It looked more like an old worn down cemetery. The paint on most of the buildings was chipped off all the way down to the wood. Most of the buildings had collapsed down to some cement foundations and old rusted poles hanging every other way. As we walked to the building where you start your tour, that was probably the only building at this place with cleanliness to it. They gave us our tour headphones, which take you through the whole prison with a audio guide telling you how it was in the prison. Not just how it was for the prisoners, but how it was for the guards too. The first place our sound guide took us to was the guard towers. They were about fifty feet tall and held enough room for maybe two guards. The towers looked too old for anybody to get into these days, but they had a view of a good portion of that side of the prison and a good section of the ocean. There were towers stationed the entire way around the prison with maybe 100 yards in between them. The towers were protected with bulletproof glass 360 degrees round. After viewing the towers Sean and I wanted to go see the prison cells. So we turned off our guide tapes for awhile and started heading up to the prison house. Everywhere Sean and I looked, it seemed like the entire place was just eroded. Some places were fenced off because they were not safe enough for spectators like ourselves to get close enough to look at. We finally got to the prison cells after following a long cement path that would take you anywhere at Alcatraz. The path nearly looked like a road, or some type of path they used for some type of transportation. Anyways, we went inside to explore how creepy the prison cells were really going to be. Well yep, they were just as we thought. Just glancing at them gave me weird feelings in my stomach. The first thing I did was got in a cell and told Sean to take a picture.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cultural Competence Essay

Cultural and linguistic competence in nursing can be defined as a set of related behaviors and attitudes that integrate together within a healthcare system or institution and among the professionals that work within the system or institution with the purpose of enabling effective and efficient delivery of health services in cross-cultural scenario (Jeffreys, 2006). Below is a brief description of the eight principles of cultural competence: †¢ Broadly defining culture This involves identifying the other factors besides race, language and ethnicity that determine an individual’s sense of awareness in relation to other people (HRSA, 2001). This is because health services are delivered to an individual, and group characteristics may not be a reflection of a person’s attitudes and life experiences (Lundy & Janes, 2003). †¢ Valuing Clients’ Cultural beliefs This involves caregivers or professionals in healthcare sufficiently learning the attitudes, knowledge and belief of their target population regarding healthcare and applying what is learned for the delivery of culturally competent care (HRSA, 2001). †¢ Recognizing complexity in Language interpretation This is identifying any hindrances to effective communication and targeted group due to language differences; and laying down strategies to address the same (HRSA, 2001). †¢ Facilitating learning between caregivers and communities This is the creation of environments under which caregivers can learn about the beliefs and attitudes of the targeted cultural group and their impact on healthcare; while the targeted community learns more about how healthcare works (HRSA, 2001). †¢ Involving the community in the defining and addressing healthcare needs This is getting the community to fully participate in the formulation of health policies in the system that serves them so that managed care can be fully culturally competent (HRSA, 2001). †¢ Collaborating with other agencies This is forging working alliances with groups that are familiar with the needs of the targeted community to boost the chances of delivering culturally competent services (HRSA, 2001). †¢ Professionalizing staff hiring and training This is setting cultural competence standards for new caregivers getting into the system; and continually training serving staff in emerging standards of cultural competence (HRSA, 2001). †¢ Institutionalizing cultural competence This is making cultural competence standards an integral part of healthcare planning and optimizing hiring, training and funding to meet these standards (HRSA, 2001). In conclusion, the above principles are very vital to the delivery of holistic healthcare services for healthcare professionals working in cultures different from them (Lundy & Janes, 2003). ? References Health Resources and Services Administration, HRSA (2001). Cultural Competence Works. Retrieved on 14/5/2010from ftp://ftp. hrsa. gov/financeMC/cultural-competence. pdf Jeffreys, M. R. (2006). Teaching Cultural Competence in Nursing and Health Care: Inquiry, Action and Innovation. Springer. Lundy, K. S. & Janes, S. (2003). Essentials of Community-based Nursing. Jones & Bartlett.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Art of Washing Dishes

Process Analysis: The Art of Washing Dishes Eibby Porras Hodges University ENG-0992 Professor Greg Durrschmidt July 9, 2012 Process Analysis: The Art of Washing Dishes My Aunt Grace taught me a very important lesson: the art of washing dishes. When I was eight years old, she invited me to her home for dinner. Afterwards, taking me to her modest kitchen, she asked me to help her wash dishes. She started by telling me the story of how she learned with my great grandmother and today was my opportunity to learn this splendid lesson.This method starts before getting to the sink at the dinning table, by dividing all dishes. At the sink, they are carefully washed with soap and water in a specific order. The process comes to an end by drying and putting everything away. Her rule was never leave dirty dishes over hour in the sink and even worst never leave them for the next day, because it was unhygienic. This of course was many years ago.This process starts at the dinning table; once everyon e has finished eating, they are excuse to leave the table. The first step is to clean all the dishes from leftovers; then the plates are arranged by dimension and they are piled up carefully without making a lot of noise, then all silverware is put together and finally glasses are picked up. Next, all dishes are taken to the sink; the amazing part is that no soaking is required because as soon as everyone is finished, dishes are washed.The next step is to put soap on a sponge and start washing first all glasses as a result; glasses will be free from stains and grease. Consequently, plates are washed with soap and water. Finally, all silverware is washed. All dishes are then rinsed off following the same order glasses, plates and silverware placing them on dish rack. Glasses need to be facing down, so that water runs down from the inside faster, plates are put vertically and silverware can be put vertically or horizontally.Back in the day there was not optional to leave dishes out to dry by them selves, dishes had to be dried with a towel and then placed back in the cabinet. In conclusion, I have to admit that being a housewife is not a easy job, personally I dislike doing dishes not matter which way they are done; oftentimes when I leave dishes overnight I wake up saying to myself Aunt Grace said do dishes within an hour. I reminisce and cherish that moment. It was a very special day.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Jane Addams essays

Jane Addams essays Jane Addams was born on September 6, 1860 in Ceadarville, Illinois. She entered the Womans Medical College of Philadelphia after receiving her A.B. degree from Rockford College in 1882. Addams is remembered as a feminist icon, a social activist, and a reformer. She is one of many female social reformers that was active in the early twentieth century. Her most popular creation was the Hull House in Chicago in 1889. Jane witnessed the heartaches of life, the loss of loved ones, postwar depression, and how people were not able to escape it. Her father, John Addams, whom she admired, encouraged her not to pretend to understand what you didnt understand and to always be honest with yourself inside and out. It was said that women should prove themselves in what was still a mans world. Her travels encouraged her to do something about her concern for the welfare of the other half in other words known as the poor. Jane had inspired other women to work for sanitation and housing laws, to improve school systems, to join the Womens Suffrage, to support the legal protection of immigrants, and anything that would improve the way of life. After seeing Toynbee Hall in London, she realized the need for something similar in her country. It was Toynbee Hall, which inspired the Hull House. On September 18, 1889 the Hull House opened its doors to people in need of relief. Addams and her colleague, Ellen Starr, took care of children who had working mothers, arranged for medical care for the sick, and fought against the diseased streets which spread sickness and disease through the neighborhood. It was the beginning of one of the great social movements in America and was an action that allowed Jane to break away from the roles women were being portrayed by. The Hull House became the community center all throughout Chicago. It was a boys club, an art museum, a theater, a music school, ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Joshua L. Chamberlain in the American Civil War

Joshua L. Chamberlain in the American Civil War Birth Early Life: Born in Brewer, ME on September 8, 1828, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was the son of Joshua Chamberlain and Sarah Dupee Brastow. The oldest of five children, his father desired that he pursue a career in the military while his mother encouraged him to become a preacher. A gifted student, he taught himself Greek and Latin in order to attend Bowdoin College in 1848. While at Bowdoin he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, the wife of Professor Calvin Ellis Stowe, and listened to readings of what would become Uncle Toms Cabin. After graduating in 1852, Chamberlain studied for three years at the Bangor Theological Seminary before returning to Bowdoin to teach. Serving as a professor of rhetoric, Chamberlain taught every subject with the exception of science and math. Personal Life: In 1855, Chamberlain married Frances (Fanny) Caroline Adams (1825-1905). The daughter of local clergyman, Fanny had five children with Chamberlain three of which died in infancy and two, Grace and Harold, which survived to adulthood. Following the end of the Civil War, the Chamberlains relationship became increasingly strained as Joshua had difficulty readjusting to civilian life. This was exacerbated by his election as Governor of Maine in 1866 which necessitated him being away from home for long periods.   Despite these problems, the two reconciled and remained together until her death in 1905. As Fanny aged, her sight deteriorated, leading Chamberlain to become a founding member of the Maine Institution of the Blind in 1905. Entering the Army: With the beginning of the Civil War, Chamberlain, whose forefathers had served in the American Revolution and War of 1812, sought to enlist. He was prevented from doing so by the administration at Bowdoin who stated he was too valuable to lose. In 1862, Chamberlain requested and was granted a leave of absence to study languages in Europe. Departing Bowdoin, he quickly volunteered his services to the governor of Maine, Israel Washburn, Jr. Offered command of the 20th Maine Infantry, Chamberlain declined stating he wished to learn the trade first and instead became the regiments lieutenant colonel on August 8, 1862. He was joined in the 20th Maine by his younger brother, Thomas D. Chamberlain. Serving under Colonel Adelbert Ames, Chamberlain and the 20th Maine mustered in on August 20, 1862. Assigned to the 1st Division (Major General George W. Morell), V Corps (Major General Fitz John Porter) of Major General George B. McClellans Army of the Potomac, the 20th Maine served at the Antietam, but was held in reserve and did not see action. Later that fall, the regiment was part of the attack on Maryes Heights during the Battle of Fredericksburg. Though the regiment suffered relatively light casualties, Chamberlain was forced to spend the night on the cold battlefield using corpses for protection against Confederate fire. Escaping, the regiment missed the fight at Chancellorsville the following May due to a smallpox outbreak. As a result, they were posted to guard duty in the rear. Gettysburg: Shortly after Chancellorsville, Ames was promoted brigade command in Major General Oliver O. Howards XI Corps, and Chamberlain ascended to command of the 20th Maine. On July 2, 1863, the regiment entered action at Gettysburg. Assigned to hold Little Round Top on the extreme left of the Union line, the 20th Maine was tasked with ensuring the Army of the Potomacs position was not flanked. Late in the afternoon, Chamberlains men came under attack from Colonel William C. Oates 15th Alabama. Repelling multiple Confederate assaults, he continued to extend and refuse (bend back) his line to prevent the Alabamans from turning his flank.   With his line nearly bent back upon itself and his men running low on ammunition, Chamberlain boldly ordered a bayonet charge which routed and captured many of the Confederates. Chamberlains heroic defense of the hill earned him the Congressional Medal of Honor and the regiment everlasting fame. Overland Campaign Petersburg: Following Gettysburg, Chamberlain assumed command of the 20th Maines brigade and led this force during the Bristoe Campaign that fall.   Falling ill with malaria, he was suspended from duty in November and sent home to recover. Returning to the Army of the Potomac in April 1864, Chamberlain was promoted to back brigade command in June after the Battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, and Cold Harbor. On June 18, while leading his men during an attack on Petersburg, he was shot through the right hip and groin. Supporting himself on his sword, he encouraged his men on before collapsing. Believing the wound to be fatal, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant promoted Chamberlain to brigadier general as a final act. Over the following weeks, Chamberlain clung to life and managed to recover from his wounds after undergoing an operation by the 20th Maines surgeon, Dr. Abner Shaw, and Dr. Morris W. Townsend of the 44th New York. Returning to duty in November 1864, Chamberlain served for the remainder of the war. On March 29, 1865, his brigade led the Union attack at the Battle of Lewis Farm outside Petersburg. Wounded again, Chamberlain was brevetted to major general for his gallantry. On April 9, Chamberlain was alerted to the Confederates desire to surrender. The next day he was told by V Corps commander Major General Charles Griffin that of all the officers in the Union army, he had been selected to receive the Confederate surrender. On April 12, Chamberlain presided over the ceremony and ordered his men to attention and carry arms as a sign of respect for their vanquished foe. Postwar Career: Leaving the army, Chamberlain returned home to Maine and served as the states governor for four years. Stepping down in 1871, he was appointed to the presidency of Bowdoin. Over the next twelve years he revolutionized the schools curriculum and updated its facilities. Forced to retire in 1883, due to aggravation of his war wounds, Chamberlain remained active in public life, the Grand Army of the Republic, and in planning events for veterans. In 1898, he volunteered for service in the Spanish-American War and was bitterly disappointed when his request was turned down. On February 24, 1914, the Lion of Little Round Top died at the age of 85 in Portland, ME. His death was largely the result of complications of his wounds, making him the last Civil War veteran to die from wounds received in battle.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Chronic Kidney disease with Hemodialyis Case Study

Chronic Kidney disease with Hemodialyis - Case Study Example The primary reason for her renal failure is obstructive uropathy which has been further complicated by hypertension and diabetes. Hydronephrosis is a condition that is caused by urine filled dilation of the renal pelvis which is then associated with progressive atrophy of the kidneys due to an obstruction of the urine outflow. The kidney eventually becomes a thin walled cystic structure with parenchymal atrophy, complete obliteration of the pyramids and cortex thinning. Bilateral obstruction will lead to renal failure. Hypertension is one of the major diseases that cause CKD. That is often related to poor control caused because of poor education of the patient and their family. One in three adults in the US and one billion people worldwide have hypertension and 26 million adults in the US have chronic kidney disease (Eskridge, 2010)." The National Committee on Prevention Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure describes the relationship between blood pressure and DVD as continuous, consistent, and independent of other risk factors" (Eskridge, 2010. pg. 55). Hypertension damages the kidneys in a couple of ways. Renal damage causes the activation of the renin-angiotensin system. This can happen from the beginning and then the sympathetic nervous system is activated. As this system continues to be damaged, the damage is measured by the change in the GFR or the serum creatinine. As capillary pressure increases, the endothelial cells are damaged which then activates platelets and in terglomerular coagulation (Eskridge, 2010). All of this chronically leads to neprosclerosis. It also accelerates kidney disease caused by other chronic problems such as diabetes. People with diabetes are recommended to keep their blood pressure at 130/80 or below (Porth & Matfin, 2007). In the case of diabetes, diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and probably accounts of 40% of all new cases. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes cause this type of renal failure. Diabetic neuropathy points to lesions in the kidney that are created in the diabetic kidney. The glomeruli are affected more than any other structure and there are some other problems such as capillary basement membrane thickening, diffuse glomerular sclerosis and nodular glomerulosclerosis (Porth & Marfin, 2007 pg. 1072). Renal enlargement as well as nephron hypertrophy and hyperfiltration occur early in the disease. This occurs because of the increased work that the kidneys must go through to pick up the excessive glucose . One of the firs t things that will be seen in diabetic renal failure is albumin in the urine. Hypertension as noted before push this disease forward and the symptoms manifest faster. Treatment Grace is being treated with Dialyzer-Revaclear with treatment time of 4 hours, a blood flow of 350ml/min, Dialysate K 1.5/Ca 1.25/Na (initial Cond 150-Final Cond 135)/ Bicarb 40, Dialysate flow 500ml/min, Dialysate temp 35.5 C, Heparin bolus 1.5u, heparin rate 0.8u/hr, ideal weight 78.5kg, pre weight 79kg, Target wt. 1.0kg. She is being dialyzed three times per week. Though hemodialysis has its own set of problems peritoneal dialysis would not be a good choice for Grace. Grace has a history of infections, she does not get around well, and lives in a retirement

Friday, November 1, 2019

Increasing Education of ADHD Therapies for Pediatric Nurses Research Paper

Increasing Education of ADHD Therapies for Pediatric Nurses - Research Paper Example The treatment methods largely adopted are based on medication which has been found to have mild to extreme effects on the users. These side effects have endangered the life of the users even though they have had a somewhat commendable effect on the individual in regard to the condition. Personally, I have had a chance of attending to an ADHD patient, a 12 year old child who had been placed with me for adoption. The child was diagnosed with ADHD four years ago and has since been on medication and no other complimentary interventions have been initiated to treat the disorder. Being in this situation has prompted me to delve deeper into finding an alternate solution in the treatment of ADHD. Through sufficient and quality research a workable and efficient means of treating ADHD can be arrived at, one that has minimal effect on the individual. In a bid to accomplish this task, this paper will start with an in depth review of ADHD including existent statistics, medication, effects of medi cation, non-medication therapies and their effectiveness in treating ADHD. This will be followed by a look at a viable solution to the ADHD problem and an evaluation of the present obstacles to implementing this solution. In conclusion, it is expected that this study will have availed a new way through which ADHD can effectively be handled with minimal effects to the individual. Literature review The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 5.2 million children aged 3-17 that have already been diagnosed with ADHD in United States. This means that 8.4% of all children have been diagnosed with ADHD (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2012). This points to increased diagnoses as a decade earlier lower rates had been reported with the overall diagnoses at the time being 6.9%. Based on gender, reported diagnoses indicate that boys are much more affected than girls, boys ADHD prevalence increased from 9.9% in 2000 to the current level of 12.3%, for g irls the rate in 2000 was 3.6% and this has also increased, though in a lesser magnitude to 5.5% (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2012). Another notable variable in the prevalence of ADHD is income levels, in 2000 the prevalence rates were the same across all income groups, but presently the prevalence has increased among children in low income families (100%-199%) as compared to families with income greater or equal to 200%. Lastly, ethnicity also seems to be a notable variable, in 2000 the prevalence rate among non-Hispanic white children ranged from 8.2%-10.6% while that of non-Hispanic black children ranged from 5.1%-9.5% indicating a higher prevalence among non-Hispanic white children (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2012). These variations seem to have presently leveled out within non-Hispanic white, and non-Hispanic black groups. Treatment for ADHD has proceeded on two fronts; biological and psychosocial interventions. Typically, the goal of biological tre atments is to reduce the children’s impulsivity and hyperactivity and to improve their attention skills (Barlow & Durand, 2009). Psychosocial treatments generally focus on broader issues such as improving academic prowess, decreasing troublesome activities, and improving social skills. Although these

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

John Smith, Roger Williams, and Mary Rowlandson present vastly Personal Statement

John Smith, Roger Williams, and Mary Rowlandson present vastly different views of Native Americans. How do you account for the differences - Personal Statement Example â€Å"Sixty or seventy of them, some black, some red, some white, some partly colored, came in a square order, singing and dancing out of the woods with their Okee†43. While having these positive sides, Smith describe them as being barbaric shows the negative aspect of the natives. This view was due to the torture he received from the natives when they imprisoned him. Robert William on the other hand describe native Indians as being industrious and rich for having the desire to trade with them instead of killing them. The difference in how Robert sees the Native Americans can be accounted for by the fact that he was a Christian minister who saw the natives as being equal to the white settlers. This can be seen through his vision of having peace and harmony between the Europeans and the settlers and the Natives who were fighting over land. Mary Rawlandson describes natives Americans as noble savages. This difference in views is seen by the fact that she did not like their lifestyle especially during the early period of her captivity. However, with time she came to admire this for their ability to survive under harsh environments with very limited amounts of resources. In turn she also came to learn how to survive in the environment. This difference in views is also seen by the fact that the natives showed her nobility through appreciating that she was a religious woman and therefore, giving her permission to respect the Sabbath day. â€Å"When Sabbath came they bade me to work but I told them it was the Sabbath day and desire them to let me rest, and I would do more tomorrow† 237. Despite of this, she still considered them as the enemy for capturing holding her hostage that led to the death of her children. In conclusion, it can be seen that the paper accounts the difference in views where John Smith considers them mainly as

Monday, October 28, 2019

Overview and Analysis of Emirates Airline

Overview and Analysis of Emirates Airline Emirates airline: aN overview Dubai based airline company is the subsidiary of Emirates Groups. The airline is the leading as well as the largest airline of not only UAE but also of Middle East. The airline operates more than 3400 flights per week. These flights take off from its hub at UAE to more than 133 cities in 73 countries around the world. The Emirates Groups service Emirates Sky Cargo undertake the cargo activities of this airline. According to 2007 report the airline is declared as the leading airline in term of revenue it generate, fleets (group of planes), and the passenger it carry, of Middle East. The airline is also the 10th largest airline in the world in term of travels who travel every week from this airline. From Dubai to Houston, Los Angeles, Sans Francisco, and Dallas company operate four of the world largest no stop commercial flight. Twenty year ago, Emirate Airline was born as the official airline of UAE. The airline in 1985 e started its operations, when in mid-1980’s the Gulf Air cutback to Dubai. From tan till now the airline has shown tremendous growth. The airline purchase its aircraft from the top companies in the world Air Bus and Boeing. The airline operates the mixed air fleets which are the wide-body aircrafts. And the company is one of the few in the world to use all wide-body aircraft. Recent by ordering 140 Air Bus A380s, the company is become the second to operate these air craft after Singapore. In aviation industry the company has established the strong brand name. Moreover, as the aviation leader in Middle East the company is providing quality services to its passenger from long ago. And this airline is hopeful in maintaining it strong growing position in future also. With many award in 2012 the company is also ranked 8th best airline in term of services it is providing around the world. culture and ORGANIZATIONAL structure The company has diverse culture, as it has many subsidizers and more than 50 parent company. And it’s operating in many industries and sectors. The industries company is catering are airport services, hospital industry, catering, and engineering. The total number of employees in this company were 38797 in the fiscal year 2011 (Group, 2011). The prime aim of the company as well as its employees are to deliver the unique and superior customer services. As for as, their employees are concerned, for them employees are their key assets and they provide many benefits to the employees including the old age benefits, fringe benefits, bonuses and many other benefits. They pay they gives to their employees are merit base pay as well as the pure performance based pay. Therefore, their employees are also loyal to the company (Group, 2011). Environmental Context Analysis of the UAE Organizations are referred as an open system, where there are many forces that directly or indirect affect the organizations. Environmental analysis is the analysis of forces around the organization that affect or make an impact on the ability of the organization to take decision. These forces are further divided as the macro forces as well as the micro forces. Micro forces are closer to company and have influence on company ability to full fill its customer’s needs and wants. These forces include the customers of the company, company itself, its competitors, the market intermediaries and many other stakeholders (Global Marketing Environmental Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy, 2013). Moreover, the macro environment of the company is the political, social, economic and technological forces around the company that affect the micro economic forces. In term of UAE, the environment of UAE is the dynamic environment. Economically the country is one of the fastest growing country in the world. The GDP growth of the country is exceptional. Some of the major contributor factor to this growing economy are the different sectors in the country ‘i.e.’ oil and gas sector, tourisms sector, transportation industry, education sector, trade sector, foreign direct investment, as well as many other sectors(). Micro environment of UAE is its trading partners, competitor ‘i.e.’ other countries in the Middle East region and UAE itself. While the macro factors are the political condition of the country its economic condition, society and the technological development in the country (PESTLE Analysis of UAE 2012, 2012). Economic Environment Economically the country has seen many ups and down in the previous years. However, the country has successfully take out itself from the economic crisis of 2008 and 2009, which was mostly due to world economic crisis and decline in trade. Today the economy of the country is growing on fastest pace and the recorded economy in 2013 was 4.4 percent, which was expected to reach at 4.8 percent this year. Due to ideal place for conducting businesses and due to best tourist spots in the country, the country is the ideal place for foreign investors. Socio-cultural Environment On social-cultural basis the country is one of the diverse in this Middle East region. People from many other countries come to live in UAE or for visiting UAE. Moreover, as the country has flourishing tourism industry therefore, from many country every year millions of people travel to UAE for holiday. Due to increasing diversity in the country there is mixed culture flourishing in the country (interact, 2014). Political and Legal Environment Politically UAE is strong and the political condition in UAE is stable. The environment is ideal for doing business as government does not interfere in business activities. The government has also establish a trade free zone for conducting businesses activities. Moreover, it has also provide lot of opportunities for foreign investors. In short, the government of UAE is stable politically, with strong political reforms. And the government is working hard for the development of UAE. Factors that may affect the airline industry are worldwide terrorisms and war. Technological Environment AND Natural Environment Technological the country is also growing, likewise in telecommunication industry Etisalat is the market leader, and providing best services in telecommunication industry around the world. The introduction of new technology will also affect the airline industry in positive as well as negative way. As for as natural resources are concerned UAE is rich in two of the biggest natural resources ‘i.e.’ petroleum and natural gas reserves. Competitor Analysis The competitors of Emirates Airline are the all other airlines from UAE. Some of the prominent airlines from UAE other than Emirates Airline are Etihad Airline, and Qatar Airline. Etihad Airline is another growing airline of UAE. The airline started its operations in 2003 and from that time till today the organization has shown exceptional growth in term of providing quality to the passengers who travel through this airline. Qatar Airline is another major competitor of Emirates Airline. In very short time span the company has establish it some a major competitor of other airlines. Right after its pre-lunch in 1997 Qatar Airline has awarded with many prestigious awards (Ceos message | Qatar Airways, 2014). However, the Emirates Airline is growing on a faster pace than its competitors. Direct Competitors In airline industry there is lot of competition. This section of the report will in-detail analyze some of the major direct and indirect competitors of Emirates Airline. And try to rate them on term on 1 to 5 rating in scale in term of quality by asking from people. We ask sample of 15 people to rate out competitor’s brands and our brand price quality on rating scale of 1 to 5. The analysis provided us with the certain weakness and strengths of Emirate Airline with regards to its competitors. Rating scale 1-5 Emirates Airline Etihad Airways Qatar Critical Success Factors rating rating rating Quality 5 4 3 Price 4 3 4 Availability 5 5 3 Good Will 4 3 4 Promotional Activities 5 4 3 Table 1 Emirates Airline receives rating of 4.6 rating, whereas, Etihad Airways receives an average of 3.8 rating and Qatar Airways receive the rating of 3.4. So it shows that over all Emirates Airline is working better as compared to other competitors. Moreover, there brand is better in term of quality, packaging and other factors to score higher these from customers. Analysis of Competitive Strategy and Position Positioning referred as the creating the image of the product in the mind of the customers as well as the consumers. These airlines mostly position there brand on following factors. These are mentioned in their mission statements, vision statement and as well as on their web site. Therefore we take the rating scale of 1-10 to rate these factors. The reason is that to know on which basis these organizations position their products. Rating scale 1 to 10 Emirates Airline Etihad Airways Qatar Airways Factors on which these airlines positioned their brands Rating Rating Rating Quality 10 9 8 Price 8 9 10 Availability 10 10 9 Good Will 9 9 8 Promotional Activities 10 10 10 Table 2 Above data clearly show that in term of quality, price, availability and promotional activities the top of the mind brand is Emirates Airline. While, Etihad Airways is the second brand in term of quality, good will and other mentioned factors in the mind of people. In term of quality people rate airlines as 10 for Emirates Airline and 9 and 8 for the rest two airlines Competitive Advantage In today world every organization is engaged in competition. In airline industry the competition is increasing day by day as the competitors are trying to provide more quality services then each other. in case of Emirates Airline as it is the oldest airline of UAE and has shown the tremendous growth over the time therefore, toady it’s as clear cut competitive advantage over it competitors. Market Research The airline industry of UAE ha lot of potential for growth as the UAE is the hub of tourism and millions of people as a tourist visited this country. Therefore the demand for services provided by many airlines is increasing day by day as the population of UAE is increasing. The main point that has to be cover are as follows: first thing that is required, is the identification of the targeted audience. Furthermore, the second that have to make clear is the need and wants of that targeted audience. The later part will in detail mentioned the targeted audience and the need and wants of that targeted audience. Mentioned earlier the main and the foremost thing in the marketing is target market identification. From this mean that we have to clarify that who are our potential buyer who will enjoy our services. For the purpose of identifying the target audience marketer first have to divide the market into different segments and then on the basis of their needs and wants offering them the desired product (DeMers, 2012). Emirate Airline target audience includes people of: business people, families, and transit passengers. Once a targeted audience is identified we have to look the need and wants of that targeted audience. Moreover, we have to look which need is least and which one is of most importance. Second aspect is that how the particular airline is going to satisfy or dissatisfy with the available services with respect to each of the priority important needs and wants. As for as Emirate Airline is concerned the basic need of people through this airline are comfortable journey, quality services, quality food during traveling, and may other required facilities during traveling. Like facilities that should be provided to disable and aged people are also cater by Emirates Airlines. (Special Needs | Essential Information | Emirates Online Booking and Planning | Emirates, 2014). Customer Analysis This section will in detail analyze the targeted market of Emirates Airline. Basically, the customer analysis is the way of gathering data from customer to known about their purchase decision. Therefore, the section in detail analysis the potential customer of this airline and the different factors that affect their purchase decisions. Three type of people is the target audience of Emirates Airline business people, families, and transit passengers. Target Market Segmentation Description Area / Region: UAE, and all six continent in the world AGE:people of all ages Gender:Both Family Life Cycle:Bachelors, married, working women, office working people, old age people are the targets. Other people:Business people, families, professional and other people from all over the world Table 3 Decision Making Process Analysis external consumer behavior variables Consumer behavior is the acts and decision processes of the consumer which they shows during the purchase the product as well as services. Different studies of consumer behavior has indicated that how individuals, groups and organizations make purchase decision and buy goods and servicer according to their needs and desires. While making purchase decision many factors affect consumer buying behavior (Dudovskiy, 2013). Factors that may affect the people travel through Emirates Airline are as personal factors, cultural factors, psychological factors and most important the social factors. Personal factors Factors such as our income, occupation, our life style which include daily basic activates, interests, as well as opinions. These factors are one of the most vital predictor of people buying behavior. Therefore, people choice regarding whether to travel through this airline or any other and if yes whether to travel through economic class or business class totally depended on these factors ‘i.e.’ on the income and their way of living (Personal Factors Affecting Buyer’s Behavior, 2010). Cultural factors and social factor Buying activities are deeply influenced by cultural factors such as: culture, subculture, and social class. Culture is defined as totally learned behavior that contain shared values believe, norms, customs and rituals of particular region. These shared values and beliefs have great impact on consumer behavior while making a purchase a certain product. Society has also great influencer on purchasing decision of consumers in different situations. Different forces that combined together create society are references groups, family groups and opinion leaders. Family also have great influence on buying behavior (Perreau, 2013). Positioning Strategy Emirates Airline Factors/ attributes on which airline positioned their brands Rating Quality 10 Price 8 Availability 10 Good Will 9 Promotional Activities 10 Diversification 10 Market segmentation research is an understanding of the market’s product needs and wants. It is the process of dividing potentialmarketsor consumers into specific groups and offering product according to their needs. Positioning is referred as creating the image of your product in the mind of that divided potential market. Moreover, positioning referred as factors on which companies differentiate their brand from their competitors. In analyzing product positioning, needs and wants are commonly referred to as product attributes. Some of the bases on which Emirates Airlines position their products are price, quality, demographic, by providing diversified products and many other basis. The Emirates Airline also position their products on following above mention factors in mind of their divided potential market. Additionally, the airline has become number choice of the families around the world. Moreover, the airline is economically strong and it will never turn down. Three type o f passengers toward whom they tailored their marketing and positioning strategy are business people, families, and transit passengers. Diversification is referred as offering new services to new market. The Emirate Airline also adopt that strategy. And toady Emirates Airline also known as low cost carrier (rodrigo, 2012). product strategy Being a service provider the major aim of the airline is to provide comfortable journey to its customers. And, as they also cargo carrier then their major aim is also provide on time delivery to its customers. Therefore, ensuring the quality services is the foremost strategy of the airline. Moreover, the airline always try to remain first in adopting new technologies and providing unique services. pricing strategy Emirate Airline is positioning their product on the basis of price. For example Emirate Airline has succeed to avoid its prices matching with what other airlines are offering product to customers at lower price. They have competitive pricing strategy. Moreover, another pricing strategy that Emirate airline is following is the premium pricing strategy (Emirates flight pricing sales strategy, 2014). The prices are not fixed they are flexible and it’s due to economic condition around the world. distribution CHANNELs The wholesaler and retailer through the use of their cargo services send their products to end customer. Therefore the no of channel between end customers are three. advertising strategy For Promotion of their brands Emirate Airline uses of traditional marketing techniques like: Word of mouth Web site promotional campaigns Social Networking TV and Print media Ads They allocate a handsome amount for their advertising budget. They also follow Informative Advertising: where they try to create brand awareness and knowledge of new products or new features of existing products. customer services and relationship activities Their cargo service provide on time delivery to its customers. Moreover, their major aim is provide the quality services for that they have dedicated team that work day and night for ensuring the quality (Special Needs | Essential Information | Emirates Online Booking and Planning | Emirates, 2014). For them their main aim is that they provide such services that their customers get full satisfaction. Over the time they have built strong relationship with their customers. Therefore, the airline is first choice of customer around the country and around the world. CONCLUSION Dubai based airline company is the subsidiary of Emirates Groups. The airline is the leading as well as the largest airline of not only UAE but also of Middle East. The airline operates more than 3400 flights per week. These flights take off from its hub at UAE to more than 133 cities in 73 countries around the world. The Emirates Groups service Emirates Sky Cargo undertake the cargo activities of this airline. With the only aim of providing the quality services as well as the comfortable journey to its travelers the airline is the leading airline of Middle East region. From long ago the airline is applying full fledge marketing strategies to ensure the quality services they are providing to their clients. They are following the best promotional strategies, pricing strategies, advertising strategies, and distribution strategies. Their position in the market is better than its competitors. Recommendation The only recommendation is that, they have to position their marketing activities while considering all their competitors. As, Etihad Airline is also doing well and providing tough time to its competitors. According to an article it is clearly mention that Etihad along with Emirate Airline are providing tough time to its competitors. Moreover, Etihad Airways is also providing best services and providing full customer satisfaction. Therefore, Emirate Airline has considered that also as Etihad may become threat for the Emirate Airline in future.